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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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DOES GOD HAVE MY VERY BEST? Intro: Ill. The historical
context of this passage. When Solomon
died, he left a kingdom that was filled with splendor, power and the presence
of God. When he died, he left his
kingdom to his son Rehoboam. Unlike his
father Solomon, Rehoboam was a very foolish and wicked man. He refused to acknowledge the good pf the
people of As
you study of the life of Rehoboam, you quickly learn that his life is a lesson
in privilege, pride and the judgment of God.
One of the main problems with Rehoboam was that he simply refused to
give God his absolute best. As a result,
Rehoboam and his people paid a terribly high price. I
just want to remind you that God is worthy of our very best. Look at Today,
I want to take a look at the life of King Rehoboam. I want to point out some problems in Rehoboam’s
life that prove he was giving God less than his very best. As we look at this wayward king and see the
shortcomings that marked his life, I want you to look at your own life
today. I want you to ask yourself this
question: Does God Have My Very Best?
I think you would agree with me that God deserves the best that we can
give to Him. I think you would also
agree that He often receives far less from your life and mine. Let’s see about changing that today. Let’s
notice the problems that marked the life of Rehoboam.
Verse one is a real eye-opener regarding the character of this man named
Rehoboam. We are told that he operated
in pride; that he disregarded the Word of God, and that he led others astray
from God as well. The problem that
affected Rehoboam was a problem in the heart.
He believed that neither he, nor his nation, needed the Lord; the Lord’s
directions; or the Lord’s involvement!
He seems to be saying, “Thanks for bringing me this far Lord. I think I can handle it from here.” B.
This is the perfect example of a life that God cannot bless nor use for
His glory! God is looking for people who
are the exact opposite of Rehoboam. He
is looking for people who: 1. Realize
their dependence upon Him – 2. Desire
to walk in obedience to Him – 3. Long
to see others come to know the Lord – Matt.
5:16. ( C.
Are you giving God your very best in the area of your character? II. v.
These verses tell us that the transgressions of Rehoboam result in the
chastisement of the Lord upon him and his people. Rehoboam and Isn’t
it interesting to compare verse 9
with What
we learn here is that a life that must be chastened by God is a life that
cannot be blessed by God.
Because he would not walk in the will of God, Rehoboam was guilty of
giving God less than his best. B.
When God saved you and me, He did so to deliver us from our sins, Rom. 6:7. He did it to make us a new creature, 2 Cor. 5:17. He did it to transform us into children of But,
when you are His child and you refuse to walk in His will; He will not hesitate
to send chastisement into your life, Rev.
3:19; Heb. 12:5-11. Just as He did
in C.
If God has to send chastisement into your life, then it is clear that He
does not have your very best! Examine
your life right now: Is God blessing you or does He have to discipline your
life? III.
Watching Rehoboam is like watching a schizophrenic squirrel running here
and there. In verse 1, he walks away from the Lord. In verse
6, he repents. In verse 12, he humbles himself. In verse 14 we are told that “he
did evil.” This is a picture of
a life that is up and down; in and out; hot and cold; and on and off. It is the picture of a confused person who
does not have a clear direction or focus in his life. Again, this is a person who is giving God
less than his very best. B.
That same kind of confusion often characterizes our own lives. We are up and down. We are hot and cold. We are on fire today and cold as a hammer
tomorrow. Paul seems to describe the
dilemma we all face in God
is looking for stability in your life and mine, Eph. 4:11-16. God is looking
for people who will sell out to Him totally.
He is looking for people who are tired of the rollercoaster and who want
to live a stable, focused life for His glory.
Thank God, there is victory in Jesus for those who will look to Him for
the help they need, 1 Cor. 15:57; 1 Cor.
10:13. C.
Look at your life right now. Is
it stable and constantly growing closer to the Lord? Or, is it filled with stops, starts,
reversals, etc. Does He have your very
best; or is it one step forward and two steps back? IV.
We are told that Shishak and the Egyptians took the three hundred
shields that Solomon had made back in 2
Chron. 9:15-16. These shields
weighed three pounds each. These shields
were worth $21,000.00 each in today’s gold prices. All three hundred of them were worth some 6.3
million dollars. These shields hung in
the king’s palace. 2 Chron. 9:16 and
they were taken down by the king’s guard when he went to the When
the shields are taken, Rehoboam commissions the metal workers to fashion three
hundred new shields of brass. When
polished, these brass shields would gleam like gold, but when the king passed
between the rows of these shields, he knew and the guards knew that they were
inferior and that they were poor substitute for the missing shields of
gold. B.
Gold spoke of power, prosperity and glory. It was expensive and hard to acquire. Gold was tempered and durable. Gold never had to be polished, for it was
pure and did not tarnish. It was a
symbol of deity and it spoke of the glory and presence of God in the midst of Brass,
or bronze, is not pure. It is an alloy
of copper and zinc. It is far cheaper;
far easier to acquire and far more common than gold. Unlike gold, brass must be polished
constantly because it tends to tarnish.
Whereas gold was tempered and durable, brass was cheap and flimsy. C.
Instead of facing the people of D.
Before we come down too hard on King Rehoboam, perhaps we need to
examine our own hearts for a moment. I
would submit to you that we are often guilty of giving God brass instead of
gold. We offer Him and inferior
substitute for our very best. How do we
do this? There are several ways. (Note: The phrase “Instead
of…” We are guilty of offering
God some “instead of” things as well.) 1. When
we operate in human effort instead of divine power – That is pride and we
are often guilty of acting and living like we do not need God or His help. 2. When
we live carnal lives instead of committed lives – When we run with the
world; live like the world; talk, walk and act like the world; dress like the
world; seek our entertainment in the world; etc; we are offering God brass
instead of gold. 3.
When we live in compromise instead
of total commitment – When we do less than our best for God, we are
compromising His standards of excellence and we are guilty of giving Him brass
for gold. No preacher should ever come
into this pulpit unless he is filled with the Spirit and prepared to
preach! No teacher should take their
place before their class unless they have prepared both heart and mind for the
task of teaching. 4.
When we are satisfied with the
substitute instead of the genuine – When we accept the substitutes this
world offers in place of God’s presence and power in our church, we are living
a compromised live. And that is giving
God brass for gold! 5. When
we offer up excuses instead of humble obedience – When we say, “Well,
I would do this or that but…” you are offering God brass in place of
your gold. You are offering Him less
than your best! 6. When
we try to keep up appearances instead of humbling ourselves before the Lord in
repentance – When we know we are not where the lord wants us to be with
Him; and we pretend all is well, we are giving Him brass for gold. E.
Does God really have your very best?
Does He have the real gold of your true devotion, or the fool’s gold of
your “instead of” devotion?
Does God have your very best? Or, does He have less than your best? Conc: Brass or gold? Which best describes your life today? Is you life pure, worthwhile and
precious? Or is it a cheap alloy, where
the spiritual is mingled with the fleshly, until both are mode worthless? Be honest with yourself and with your God
today: Does God have your very best? Or
does He have your cheap imitation of the best?
If there are needs, the place to have them taken care of is at His feet. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |